Forum name |
Topics |
Posts |
Last post |
Gaming |
FPS Gaming
Discussions on First Person Shooters, whether they be single, multi, or massively multiplayer games. |
57 |
278 |
Aug 22nd, 2017, 2:24pm by Monoxide |
Non-FPS Gaming
Any games that are NOT first person shooters; like sims, RTSs, RPGs, and whatnot. |
22 |
76 |
Aug 22nd, 2017, 2:25pm by Monoxide |
Console Gaming
Here you can ramble on about X-Box, Playstation (1 and 2), GameCube, and the whatever other consoles grab your attention. |
10 |
23 |
Oct 28th, 2003, 9:57pm by Biohazard |
Neverwinter Nights
Talk about the goings on mod creation, campaign ideas, and good old playing of D&D on your PC. |
6 |
31 |
Jul 27th, 2004, 1:43am by Monoxide |
Racing |
Pro-Truck Challenge Series |
1 |
1 |
Mar 20th, 2008, 3:46pm by Punisher |
Non-Gaming |
Off-Topic Ramblings
Anything that doesn't fit in anywhere. General chat and whatnot. |
86 |
429 |
Jun 13th, 2014, 3:28pm by Recon224 |
Paranoia (ChaChaCha)
Yes, they are out to get you. All of them. Conspiracy, anyone? |
6 |
66 |
Feb 8th, 2010, 4:28pm by leadslinger |
Flames n Wreckage
This topic is for bitching, moaning, whining and complaining. AKA... the old WAR BOARD. |
13 |
100 |
Feb 23rd, 2004, 3:37pm by leadslinger |
Metagaming |
LAN Party Talk
This is where you can discuss past LAN parties in the area and upcoming LAN shindigs. Plugs for upcoming LAN parties are always welcome. |
49 |
536 |
Sep 10th, 2017, 2:07pm by Phorce Phed |
Clan Game Servers
Direct questions or comments regarding the [*RO*] game servers here. |
20 |
73 |
Jun 29th, 2006, 10:00pm by Recon224 |
Clan News and Events
News of the goings on of CLAN [*RO*]. |
30 |
152 |
Aug 22nd, 2017, 2:22pm by Monoxide |